How to prepare for breastfeeding

Many women begin their journey to motherhood having done no preparation at all for breastfeeding. It’s easy to think that breastfeeding will just come naturally, since it is natural after all. But for most women, this couldn’t be more incorrect. Breastfeeding is a skill that both mama and mini need to learn. Starting this journey without the education or support you need could leave you finishing this journey much earlier then you hoped or expected. Pregnancy is the best time to start preparing for this journey ahead. Here are some ways you can get yourself ready for this:

  • Speak with your midwife or OB about the challenges of breastfeeding so you are aware of what could come up.

  • Educate yourself on where your milk supply comes from, as well as the importance of nourishing meals and hydration to support you during this time.

  • Learn about the benefits breastfeeding can bring to you and your mini.

  • You could attend a breastfeeding class or seminar towards the end of your pregnancy.

  • This is a great time to read some books or listen to podcasts about breastfeeding.

  • It is a great idea to chat to friends who have breastfed and hear about their experiences.

  • Learn about how regularly you need to breastfeed your newborn, so you are mentally prepared for it.

  • Plan to have skin to skin with your baby straight after the birth to help initiate the production of breastmilk.

  • Stock the freezer with lots of readymade nourishing meals, and know that breastfeeding takes up a lot of your time in the early days.

If you are struggling on your breastfeeding journey, it is a great idea to hire a lactation consultant to get some extra support. Even if you try everything, know that not every woman is able to breastfeed, so be mentally prepared that this might not work for you.



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