How to know when your baby is ready for food
The World Health Organisation, Australian National Health, Australian Breastfeeding Association and Australian Medical Research Council all recommend exclusive breastfeeding for at least the first 6 months before introducing complementary foods. These guidelines were changed in 2002, where it was previously recommended to start between 4-6 months.
However, rather than meeting a certain age, it is important to wait until your mini is showing signs of developmental readiness. These usually occur around 6 months of age but could be a little earlier or even later for some. This is important for their overall health, immunity, gut health, growth and development.
The signs of developmental readiness include:
Have the core strength to sit it up well with little or no support for a period of time, although they may topple from time to time. Are able to hold their head upright.
Have lost their tongue-thrust reflex so that they do not automatically push food out of their mouth with their tongue.
Are able to grab food and put it in their mouth and start developing their pincer grip, although it will usually take a few months until they can master this.
Are excited to participate in mealtime!
Get in touch if you want to know more about how you can nourish your baby’s solids journey. I offer group workshops in Sydney, online workshops for mothers groups, 1:1 consults, and I have also written a comprehensive starting solids e-book.