Who is this for?
This workshop is best suited for families with baby’s that are between 4-7 months and before they have started solids. However, if you have recently started solids and would like to know more about nourishing your mini, you are also welcome to join in.
What we will cover:
Creating healthy habits for the family
How to know when your mini is ready for food
Different methods for starting solids (puree, BLW, combination)
Keeping your mini safe (choking vs. gagging)
How often and when should you feed your mini
Important nutrients and how to get these from food
Creating a balanced meal
Encouraging adventurous little foodies
Nourishing first foods to offer
Meal-prep tips and essentials
Food quality
Reading food labels
Foods to avoid and delay
Introducing allergens mindfully
And more..
Can I bring my mini?
Yes, of course!
Want to share the love and save some money?
Group bookings of 4 or more will receive a 10% discount. Contact me for the code.